Learn Buddhism
We facilitate comprehensive Courses according the level of understanding and time of individuals who wish to Learn more about Buddhism and its way of life.
We conduct courses at our centre on Buddhism. If you wish to follow any one of the following courses, please contact the centre:
- Introduction to Buddhism
- Diploma in Buddhist Philosophy
- Buddhist Analytical Philosophy
- World Religions & Cultures
Introduction to Buddhism – 12 Lesions Course
This course outlines in simple, the basics of Buddhism to understand Buddhism in general and comprehensively. As it is taught by a real practitioner of Buddhism, possibly a Buddhist Monk, it intends to give an experiential knowledge in the subject. However, there is no any obligation to be a Buddhist to follow this course. Anyone above the age 15, can do this course without any obligation of religion or ethnicity. It is taught in English Medium.
Procedures: Introduction to Buddhism Course has 12 lessons to follow and write a short essay of 2500 words at the end of the course. Each lesson has a reading material based on a title or a subject section. At the end of every lesson there are 10 questions to answer to evaluate the clarity of the subject.
Subject sections: 1. History and geography of emergence of Buddhism, 2. The Life of the Buddha, 3. Main Buddhist Teachings, Buddhism as a way of life 4. Buddhist practices e.g. Meditation, Chanting, Morality (Ethics), Giving 5. Schools of Buddhism 6. Buddhist Culture Festivals of Buddhism and 7. Buddhist community (Sangha)
Duration: It is a tutored course that can be completed either in consecutive 12 weeks or within one year period. Those who have not done within the assigned time period, will not be considered as successfully completed and may have to repeat the course from the beginning if deserved to get it done. Those who have successfully completed the course will receive an acknowledgement certificate to confirm the completion of the course.
Course Fee: Suggested minimum donation £180.00 (£120 for discounted for members and consessins). Members £120.00
Special Note: According to the Buddhist Tradition we don’t put any price tag or charge, on any service, we deliver. It supposes to be always as a gift to the community as Free services. However, there is an initial cost to cover to make them available. Therefore it is not a fee but a suggested donation (dana) in gratitude towards the service. Members are those who pay monthly standing orders. There are lots of FREE services or concessions (for students or non working) are available, if you have any financial problems. If you have any difficult circumstances, Please feel free to speak to us. We are very happy to help our community.
Registration: You can register this course by emailing (buddhistacademy@gmail.com) your name, phone number and address. You can give us a call on our mobile 07983 466 105 (or text us on 07983 466 105) to reserve your place. Otherwise, CLICK HERE to contact us through our website. We will get back to you.
Fill the Form Below To Register Introdcution to Buddhism 12 Weeks Online Course:
Next Course starts: Tuesday 03rd August 2021 At 7PM till 9PM. Please register in advanced.