Attend Online Programmes & Make a Donation to the Centre
We would like to continue our Centre Services Online following the government health advices.
Following programmes are available to join online.
- Mindfulness Meditation 8 Week Course
- Drop in Meditation Sessions
- One On One Meditation Sessions
- Dhamma School Children Programmes
- Dana or Utility Bills Contributions
Regular Programmes:
- Every Thursday 6PM till 6.40PM - Buddha Vandana & Blessings Chanting
- Every Wednesday 6PM till 6.40PM - Guided Meditation Session
Please contact Bhante Samitha on 07983466105 (whatsapp/text/call) for more details:
Or send us an email:
Donations Online
Please help the centre to upkeeps during this difficult time. If you can set up a monthly standing order of any kind is a strong help. If you wish to set up a Monthly Standing Order Please let us know to give you the correct bank account details.
Any form of support is greatly appreciated at this time to upkeep of the centre. Please contribute considerately. Wish you all blessings for Good Health, Protection and happiness... Thank you..
If you click the botton below you can contribute online but it will take a service charge. If you use the following bank details, there will be no service charge.
If the above link is not working please use the following Bank Details to make online donations:
Sort Code: 20-41-15
Account: 93992683
Barclays Bank PLC, Letchworth
A/C Name: Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya
Kindly set "your name" as online bank reference