Vesak Full Moon Wednesday 26th & Saturday 29th May 2021 Online Buddha Day Celebration
Saturday 29th May Meditation Retreat satarts from 7AM till 5.30PM, Special Atavisi Sambuddha Pooja Starts at 6PM, Chanting Blessings & Meditation. All are welcome to practice Dhamma on this Highest Blessed Day.
Vesak Full Moon Sambuddha Poya Day 2021
Special Programme Online Temple
We have organized a special programme to join in celebration on Vesak Full Moon Day in this year. Due to Covid-19 Pandemic restrictions, we all need to keep the social distancing and protect each other. Therefore we invite you all to join Online Temple Vesak Sambuddha Day Practice On Saturday 29th May.
Vesak Full Moon Poya SamBuddha Day
Special Atavisi Buddha Poojava,
Bodhi Vandanawa and Dhamma Sermons,
Children Vesak Programme and Meditation
Saturday 29th May 2021
From 6PM till 8.30PM…..
All are welcome to attend…
If you would like to Sponsor Atavisi Buddha Pooja, please let us know.
Suggested Donation for Atapirikara Pooja: £50/=
Suggested Donation for Robe Pooja: £25/=
Call/Text: 07983 466 105
Click Here:

If you would like to sponsor any of the above programmes, Dhamma Dana Dhamma Sermons, or Meditation Session, please click here or let us know. (Mobile: 07983 466 105 or 07944 13 53 14)

Saturday 29th May Special Vesak Atavisi Buddha Pooja:
This day has two parts: First Part is Meditation Retreat
Second Part Starts 6PM with Special Twenty Eight Sambuddha Pooja and Blessings
07:00AM: Join Online Meditation Retreat for Those who wish to Start Early
08:00AM: Welcome to Meditation Retreat (Introduction)
09:00AM: Session
10:00AM: Coffee Break
10:30AM: Session
11:30AM: Lunch
01:00PM: Session
02:00PM: Tea Break
02:30PM - 03:30PM: Session
04:00PM - 05:00PM: Session
05:30PM: Conclusion and Summary
Sessions May Include:
Guided Meditation, Silent Practice, Mindful Stretching, PowerPoint Presentations, Teachings on Selected Subjects and Discussion and Question and Answer session, Closing with Blessings Chanting.
If you would Like to Register for Meditation Retreat Please CLICK HERE:
If anyone would like to, they can continue with our regular Saturday Blessings Pooja and Dhamma Talk from 6PM too.
06:00PM: Special Twenty Eight Sambuddha Pooja and Blessings Chanting.
If you would like to take the dayakatvaya of Atavisi Buddha Pooja, please click here or let us know (Mobile: 07983 466 105 or 07944 13 53 14).

All are welcome to join…..
Online Login Details for Zoom Meeting
Time: May 29th, 2021 7AM onward, (For Retreat) and at 6PM (Atavisi Pooja Blessings) London Time
Meeting ID: 696 889 1414
Password: dhamma
Our thoughts are with those who are going through very difficult time due the surge of COVID-19 pandemic in India and Sri Lanka. May all in the whole world have all the blessings to come out of this soon as possible!
Donate A Food Parcel on Vesak Poya Full Moon Day:
We are being kindly requested to help. Please help us to help those who are struggling and destitute with home quarantine due to the unprecedented surge of Covid-19 Pandemic in Sri Lanka. If you would like kindly to donate a parcel of food on this Vesak Sambuddha Day 26th May 2021, please either donate to the bank account details below or contact us. May you all be well and safe..!
By donating £15/= you can offer one parcel to a family for a month food requisites. If you like to donate for more than one family, you can do so.
Donations Online:
Sort Code: 20-41-15
Account No: 93992683
Barclays Bank PLC, Letchworth
A/C Name: Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya
Kindly put online Bank Reference as: SL-Covid (your name). Please kindly text or call or email us to confirm your contribution if can. Our Mobile numbers: 07983 466 105 or 07944 13 53 14 Email:
Donate from Facebook: CLICK HERE