Mindfulness Meditation Courses (Science of Living! Art of Happiness!)

Letchworth Mindfulness Meditation Courses: Sessions to Learn How to Meditate

Practicing Mindfulness.. The Art of Body Mind Well-Being. Science of Happiness in Life! Free from Stress, Worries, Anxiety or Pain! Enjoy Peace! Our Mindfulness Meditation 08 Weeks Course is extremely popular & effective. Course is very well structured on scientific evidences, advanced from Neuroscience & Application (London King's College IOP), MBCT, MBSR, Compassion Therapy & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This can change your life. It's a Life skill that Guarantees life time well-being.


All the following courses are now available ONLINE Or Onsite (Letchworth)..........

Beginners Mindfulness Evening Course

Advanced Mindfulness Evening Course

Beginners Mindfulness Day time Course

Every Thursday 7-9PM


Every Wednesday 7-9PM


Every Thursday 9.30-11AM



Every Thursday 7-9PM. New Course starts Thursday 31st October 2024.

Only 15 Places available. Please registered in advanced by

Emailing: buddhistacademy@gmail.com

or text/whatsapp on 07944 13 53 14 or 07983 466 105


Every Wednesday 7-9PM. New Course starts Wednesday 30th October 2024.

Only 15 Places available. Please registered in advanced by

Emailing: buddhistacademy@gmail.com

or text/whatsapp on 07944 13 53 14 or 07983 466 105

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for Beginners or Advanced Courses:

" Life's what you make it”, is an old saying.

It's up to you what the future holds, we all create it for ourselves, every day.

Everyday we can make new, enriching connections, create useful ideas and new values, and be genuinely productive with ourselves.

But if we eat terrible food, drink too much and sit at home or at a job we hate - then end up with very little energy to get through the week - it is little wonder we might feel our lives are beyond our control, tiresome and not making much difference in the world.

We may then turn to more bad food, booze, drugs and other comfort blankets, in order to escape the uncomfortable truth. This is well-known self-destructive cycle.

But if we decide we are in charge of our lives, we can certainly change it.  
We can perform well. We are in control of our lives

To fill our lives with energy, hope and action, “Mindfulness Meditation” can be a very useful life skills. Join our next course to learn or improve the quality of Mindfulness Meditation!  

Online Drop In Mindfulness Meditation

Every Sunday 7-9PM - From our Online Temple

We host Every Sunday 7-9PM Online Drop In Mindfulness Meditation sessions. Please register in advanced to attend. Each Sunday has a new topic. Registered participants are updated by mobile/Whatsapp before the session.

These sessions are specially structured to further support to those who have done our Beginners, Advanced & Diploma Mindfulness Meditation Sessions. Therefore discussions subjects and topics could be bit advanced. Hence it requires basic understanding of our teachings to get the best out of it. We recommend first to follow our above mentioned courses.

Minimum Suggestion Donation of £7/= per session is encouraged to Our Meditation Centre Maintenance Fund.

We host these via zoom. Please use the login ID: 696 889 1414 and Passowrd: (Need to be available prior to the session).

More Details please contact us on Mobile/whatsapp: 07944 13 53 14 or 07983 466 105

Click Here Register Sunday Drop In Sessions Only >>>: use the link https://forms.gle/RWME17U5q6vuBSrXA


Donate Online


Please use the following Bank Details to make online donations.

Sort Code: 20-41-15

Account: 93992683

Barclays Bank PLC, Letchworth

A/C Name: Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya

Kindly set "your name" as online bank reference

New Group Starts Soon Join Now!

Our 08 Weeks Beginners Mindfulness Meditation Course can change your life..!

Recent cutting-edge Scientific Researches in Neuroscience have proven that Mindfulness can not only change the functional aspect of our brain but also structure itself. Few Weeks of Mindfulness Meditation practice can change the cognitive and behavioural challenges we experience. It assures Happiness, Peace, Calm and Well-being in Daily life. Stress, Anxiety, depression, blood pressure, insomnia and worries can transform instantly if we apply the correct mindfulness meditation techniques in a right course. We provide very effective 08 weeks course for beginners. Join and see!


A Course! That can Change Your Life!

A Life Time Life Skill!


We share really easy key techniques to Guide Beginners through in Mindfulness Meditation, from step by step, to make them easy to adopt those powerful life changing skills, into the every day life. Mindfulness is a way of life to change unskilful lifestyles and to develop the mind and life with self-esteem and well-being.! It is A Key to unlock your potentials in life!



Introduction to Mindfulness


Thursday 7PM till 9PM
Thursday 9.30AM till 11AM

New Group Starts on

Thursday 31st October 2024

  • Thursday 31st October 2024 (15 Places Left)
  • Thursday 09th January 2025 (15 places Left)
  • Thursday 06th March 2025 (15 placs Left)
  • Thursday 08th May 2025 (15 Places Left)
  • Thursday 03rd July 2025 (15 Places Left)
  • Thursday 04th September 2025 (15 Places Left)
  • Thursday 30th October 2025 (15 Places Left)

Guided sessions; Relaxing Practices; Stress Relief; Basic instructions for beginners; Talks for Developing self-esteem & Positive Living; Science on brain developments, Opportunities for questions & answers.

This Mindfulness Meditation 08 weeks Course is extremely popular & effective. Limited places available. Reserve your place in advance. Course is very well structured on scientific evidences, advanced from Neuroscience & Application (London King's College IOP), MBCT, MBSR, Compassion Therapy & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This can change your life within. It is a Life skill that Guarantees life time well-being and happiness in everyday life.

New Group Starts on

Thursday Evening 7PM - 9PM

Wednesday 9.30AM - 11AM

Thursday 31st October  2024
(This course has only few places left Please register in advance to get a place.)

Next Courses in 2024 & 2025 as follow

  • Thursday 31st October 2024 (15 Places Left)
  • Thursday 09th January 2025 (15 places Left)
  • Thursday 06th March 2025 (15 placs Left)
  • Thursday 08th May 2025 (15 Places Left)
  • Thursday 03rd July 2025 (15 Places Left)
  • Thursday 04th September 2025 (15 Places Left)
  • Thursday 30th October 2025 (15 Places Left)

Course Procedures: Participants are expected to maintain consistency and punctuality. Regular weekly homework abide by weekly instructions are very important to follow. At the end of the 08 weeks, those who have successfully met the requirements of the course will award an accreditation CERTIFICATE of the completion of the course.

Contact: Venerable Bhante Samitha



TELEPHONE: 01462 641 688     MOBILE: 07983 466 105

Email: buddhistacademy@gmail.com

This course is very well structured on scientific evidences, factually proven by researches and based on historically developed ancient techniques. Teaching and Practice sessions are aimed for everyone to gain the confidence to practice and further advances themselves independently or become a teacher.

Please feel free to visit our website to read people’s feedbacks or simply speak to those who have already done this course to understand how wonderful the skills anyone could gain from this Mindfulness Meditation Course.

If you can challenge yourself, we can guarantee to bring you the “Change Within” and make you confident, focus on progress and happiness! Dont Miss to learn and experience this! Join Us! We would like to welcome you to this new course! Thank you. Be well and happy!


Special Note: In principle according to our tradition we don’t charge on our service. We are a charitable organisation working for the community. We have no other means to survive other than public donations. All our services are (should be) Free. However, we have to recover the initial cost of running of the certain courses. Therefore we kindly accept donations. For the meditation Course, we have to remark a suggested minimum contribution of £120.00 per course Introduction to Mindfulness Course and £120 for Advance Mindfulness Course. For Drop in Sessions suggested minimum £5 donation per session. Drop in Sessions are free to members of the centre. Members are those who takes the centre membership by making monthly standing orders. One to one individual sessions (Psychotherapy, Counselling, Stress Management or Mindfulness Meditation) suggested £20 per session. All sessions include two hours of theory and practice attended by a teacher. Please note, lots of support (Free of charge attendance) or concessions available if you have any difficult circumstances. Please feel free to speak to us. We are very happy to help our community.






Every Sunday 7PM till 9PM anyone can drop in: Click Here to Register

Every Tuesday 7PM till 8.45PM. Anyone Can Join: Click Here to Register

Beginners Mindfulness Practitioners Every Thursday – 7PM - 9PM Or Every Thursday 9.30AM - 11AM

Advanced Mindfulness Practitioners Every Wednesday - 7PM - 9PM

Drop in Course Contribution: £15 per session

Any One Can Drop For Mindfulness Meditation Practice:  Every Sunday - 7PM - 9PM or Thursday 9.30AM till 11AM

Sunday Drop In Cost: Non Members £15 per session. Members are free.

Places are limited. Pre-Booking needed by text on 07944 13 53 14 or 07983 466 105 or phone: 01462 641 688 or email: buddhistacademy@gmail.com


Drop-In Mindfulness Meditation Session helps everyone to keep the practice strengthen. These sessions further explain the practices and look after the practitioners in more supportive environments to grow in mindfulness way of living for life. Those who have done Introduction Course, They can drop in to every Thursday. Those who have done Advanced Course, they can drop into every Wednesday. At our centre, Wake up to a Life in a Peaceful Meditation Sanctuary. Regular mediators can drop-in to meet and begin to investigate meditation in a friendly and relax atmosphere. Vipassana practices.



Every Wednesday 7PM – 9PM

Advanced Mindfulness Course (08 Weeks). Those who have successfully completed the basic introductory course "Beginners' Meditation Course - Introduction to Mindfulness" (08 weeks), can only join into this course.

Next Advanced Mindfulness Course Starts on: Wednesday 11th September 2024

(Following Courses: Wednesday 11th September 2024, Wednesday 06th November 2024, Wednesday 08th January 2025, Wednesday 05th March 2025, Wednesday 07th May 2025, Wednesday 02nd July 2025, Wednesday 03rd September 2025, Wednesday 29th October 2025

Course Contribution: £120.00

Course Requirements: The Certificate of the Introduction to Mindfulness Beginners Meditation Course.

Those who successfully complete this course in 08 weeks and meet the practice hours requirements will evaluate through an appraisal and award an accreditation CERTIFICATE of the course completion.

We are pleased to facilitate this Advanced Mindfulness 08 Weeks Course in Letchworth. This is an extremely rare opportunity to learn from Bhante Samitha (inspiring and experienced teacher in Mindfulness) and practice with him those essential frames of Mindfulness to deepen the experiential & comprehensive knowledge in Mindfulness.

This course runs 08 weeks comprising of weekly two hour sessions. It is on every Wednesday from 7PM till 9PM. The cost to cover the ground expenses to initiate this course will be minimum suggested donation of £120/= per person for 10 weeks.

The course can only be attended by those who successfully completed (achieved the certificate) the “Introduction Mindfulness Meditation Beginners 08 Weeks Course” with us. During those 08 weeks, we take very intense, sincere and careful attention to deliver in depth a Comprehensive Understanding of Introduction to Mindfulness for beginners. It is like learning the most efficient language to communicate with oneself (life and society we live in) healthily and transcendentally. Then we need to learn the most accurate method of dealing with that life software.

That method is to learn and advance the very important FOUR FRAMES of MINDFULNESS comprehensively. Without which no one gets the right understanding or sensible and practical benefits of Mindfulness in full. Those four frames can only be practiced effectively in the life atmosphere (life atmosphere means = attitude, body mind spirit energy, life feeling, and being mode) or new life we embraced by following the Introduction to Mindfulness Beginners 08 weeks course successfully.

Those who successfully completed introduction to Mindfulness 08 Weeks Course knows how powerful that was and what transformation it gives to our attitude, energy, body mind spirit well-being, and whole life style. If we do not maintain it (new life mindful style) in the same spirit for an adequate (scientifically proven) period of time with regular and accurate manner (structure), we have a high possibility of losing that life bliss and may have to start again. So in that sincere interest, solely on such context, we introduce this course to facilitate the knowledge, experience, impart the accuracy of the technique through dialogues (Q & A to personalize the training to understand better) and period (adequate time to absorb into the life in durable and stable manner).   If you really really keen to learn!, sign up now!

Contents of the Advanced Mindfulness 08 Weeks Course:

We approach our well-being in four sections which make the life comprehensive. Those four are physical well-being, mental well-being, social well-being and spiritual (spirit) well-being. Imbalance of any of such cause difficulties (catastrophes or suffering) in life and Advanced Mindfulness can certainly help to gain, retain and maintain the equilibrium and ecstasy of those four well-beings which we call full life. To gain, retain and maintain this, we need an exemplary and a resounding method to practice. That is Four Frames of Mindfulness. Each frame is equally very important to a deserved well-being.

These four frames include Body Mindfulness (it has six sections to advance properly in 6 sessions), Feeling Mindfulness (It has one section to advance in one session. This is also a very important section as we all are sensual and emotional being. However we would not reap the benefit of this section unless we go through the previous six body mindfulness sessions), Mindfulness of Mind (this has one session. We all agree how important to look after the mind. We elaborate secrets of mind to embrace the life happiness. However, many goes wrong by looking into this alone (as it is fascinating, mystical and magical) by not reasonably learning above 7 sections of body and feeling), and Life Science (phenomena) Mindfulness (This has 5 sessions but we deliver it in 4 lesions in this course. This is to gain and train a high stranded way of looking at life and world. High percentage of our life is governed by attitudes. We transcend any unhelpful attitudes through experiential and transcendental knowledge in these last sessions). Sounds Excellent but tough! Don’t worry! We give everyone a personal attention and help with lots of one to one support to digest this very easily. We will take the pain to make you take the gain!

This course enables further to strengthen the Mindful living more resonant way acquired from Introduction Course, securely refraining from falling back into or fade back into automatic pilot mode. Those who have being caught up in these life spirals and also have the ability and blissful privilege from our beginners course to realize the difference with mindful living, they surely don’t want ever to go back into such life style. This course ensures that skilful means by overcoming any unhelpful skills are easy to do in life if we make Mindfulness living but not mindless living as a natural thing in our life. For this we need time, accurate line of practice, moral support, enthusiasm, strength, like minded community and a good teacher, gradual and structural learning to unfold right well-being in holistic manner. This course has all those in one.  Join and see!



Every Thursday 9:30AM – 11:00AM


Basic instructions. Introducing a new form of Exercise inspired from the ancient art of

Mindfulness Stretching. This  will improve health and slow down the deterioration of the skin and muscles

as we approach old age. Meditation leads you to a happy and peaceful way of Long life.


This can be arranged by appointments.

One to One Mindfulness Session Cost: £30 per session


Introduction To Buddhism & Meditation -  


Certificate Course for An essential overview of the fundamental principles of

Buddhism including introduction to meditation. For More Details: CLICK HERE



By Appointments Only


One-2-One Sessions. Difficulties in Relationships. Over come Addictions, Tension, Worries,

Stress, Depression, Anxiety. Gain Self-Confidence. Anger management. Sessions on appointments.


This is a Ten weeks course based on specific Ten sessions designed to suit individual’s needs to overcome their difficult life situations. This is a dedicative course. We can highly recommend this for you to try. This is based one to one session or with personal attention. This could also be facilitated to a group of your company, institution, work setting or other organization. However, group should not be exceeded over 25 persons. We also deliver this course through TAUGHT DISTANCE-LEARNING by SKYPE or TELEPHONE, for those who have practical issues to come to the centre. For more inquiries, please contact the centre.



There are certain courses, we facilitate with this method “TAUGHT DISTANCE-LEARNING” for the benefit of those who have practical issues to come to our centre. Please contact the centre to find more about this availability.

Online Course:

We also provide Online Courses on Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners Course (10 Weeks), Buddhism Course (12 Weeks) and few other advanced Meditation Courses and Counselling, Stress Management Courses. Please call us to discuss further. For Registration. click Here



Many researches have shown that mindfulness based meditation practices are tremendously beneficial to improve the quality of our lives as it is a scientifically proven and clinically accepted technique. Meditation is actually easier than you might imagine. Most of us have dabbled in meditation by participating in conscious relaxation, maybe during an exercise class or to manage pain at the dentist or anxiety before a test. Through following a set of very practical and simple meditation techniques we can find relaxation, mental stability and calmness in our daily life. It is also a therapy to overcome many biological and psychological sufferings and difficulties such as harmful addictions, severe pains, stress, depression, long term illness etc.

It stands to reason, not only meditation practice make you more relaxed, focused and stress-resistant; over time you become increasingly efficient. If we train in meditation, our mind will gradually become more and more peaceful, and we will experience a purer and purer form of happiness...!

Core meditation techniques have been preserved in ancient Buddhist texts and have proliferated and diversified through teacher-student transmissions. Buddhists pursue meditation as part of the path toward Enlightenment and Nirvana. The closest words for meditation in the classical languages of Buddhism are bhavana and jhana/dhyana. Buddhist meditation techniques have become increasingly popular in the wider world, with many non-Buddhists taking them up for a variety of reasons.

Buddhist meditation encompasses a variety of meditation techniques that aim to develop mindfulness, concentration, supramundane powers, tranquillity, and insight.

Join us on our FACEBOOK: to see more pictures and information: CLICK HERE



Read More FEEDBACKS About Our Courses: CLICK HERE

Be a Member of Mindfulness Community: CLICK HERE

Following government guidance, during this very difficult time due to the Corona Virus COVID-19 problems, we have decided to keep our centre closed for the whole April and May. So our courses will only take place ONLINE during that time.

We all hope and pray that the situation will soon be recovered with blessings of humanity. We feel very sorry for any inconvenience. However we are always available by phone, text, whatsapp, facebook or email. We also facilitate online or distance session on Mindfulness, Counselling, Psychotherapy or other services. For more details please contact: 07983 466 105


Those who qualifited for Certificates from The First Group of 2013, after successfully completing Six Weeks attended Theory and Practice Course on Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. 11-02-2013

Second Batch 2013 - Enrolled For Six Weeks - Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation - Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Meditation Centre  -  20-05-2013 - www.buddhistacademy.com

Receiving accreditation Certificates of Successfully Completed "Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Course" at Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Cultural Centre for Education Meditation Psychotherapy & Counselling on 24-06-2013

Group photo of the first batch qualified to receive the accreditation certificates of Advanced Mindfulness Buddhist (Vipassana) Meditation Course on Wednesday 03rd July 2013

Third Batch 2013   -    Enrolled for Eight Weeks  -  Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners Course  -  Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Meditation Centre – Letchworth  05-08-2013   www.buddhistacademy.com

Fourth Batch 2013 - Enrolled For Eight Weeks - Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners Course - Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Meditation Centre  -  30-09-2013 - www.buddhistacademy.com

Bedford Mindfulness Meditation First Batch 2013 - Enrolled For Six Weeks - Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners Course – Bedford Mindfulness Meditation Community affiliated to Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Meditation Centre  -  27-09-2013 - www.buddhistacademy.com

Third Batch Receiving Accreditation Certificates - Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners 8 Weeks Course - Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Meditation Centre - www.buddhistacademy.com   19-10-2013

Second Batch of Advanced Mindfulness Meditation 12 weeks course received accreditation certificates - Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Meditation Centre  -  09-10-2013 - www.buddhistacademy.com

Fourth Batch Receiving Accreditation Certificates - Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners 8 Weeks Course - Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Meditation Centre - www.buddhistacademy.com  - 18-11-2013

Bedford First Batch Receiving Accreditation Certificates - Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners 6 Weeks Course - Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Meditation Centre - www.buddhistacademy.com  - 01-11-2013

Letchworth First Batch 2014 (5th Group) - Enrolled For Eight Weeks - Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners Course - Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Meditation Centre  -  06-01-2014 - www.buddhistacademy.com

Bedford First Batch 2014 (2nd Group) - Enrolled For Eight Weeks - Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners Course - Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Meditation Centre – Bedford Mindfulness Meditation Community - BMMC -  10-01-2014 - www.buddhistacademy.com

Letchworth First Batch of 2014 who successfully completed the Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners 8 weeks Course receiving accreditation Certificates. 24-02-2014

Bedford Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners 8 Weeks Course – 2014 Completion Certificates Award 28-02-2014 Bedford Mindfulness Meditation Community - Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Meditation Centre - www.buddhistacademy.com

6th Batch of the Centre and 2nd Batch of 2014 Enrolled for Letchworth Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners 8 Weeks Monday Course - First Day of the Course 10-03-2014 www.buddhistacademy.com

Bedford Third Batch Enrollment For Eight Weeks - Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners Course - Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Meditation Centre – 14-03-2014 - www.buddhistacademy.com More Pictures Click Here

Letchworth Introduction to Mindfulness Beginners 8 Weeks Course 8th Batch Certificates Awarding 28-03-2014 www.buddhistacademy.com More Photos Click Here

Letchworth 9th Batch Enrolments Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners 8 Weeks Course 05-0352014 www.buddhistacademy.com More Photos Click Here

Bedford 3rd Batch Certificates Awarding Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners 8 Weeks Course 09-05-2014 www.buddhistacademy.com More Photos Click Here

Bedford 4th Batch Enrolments Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners 8 Weeks Course 16-05-2014 www.buddhistacademy.com More Photos Click Here

Letchworth 9th Batch Certificates Awarding Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners 8 Weeks Course 23-06-2014 www.buddhistacademy.com More Photos Click Here

Letchworth 10th Batch Enrolments Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners 8 Weeks Course 30-06-2014 www.buddhistacademy.com More Photos Click Here

Bedford 4th Batch Certificates Awarding Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners 8 Weeks Course 04-07-2014 www.buddhistacademy.com More Photos Click Here

Letchworth 10th Batch Certificates Awarding Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Beginners 8 Weeks Course 18-08-2014 www.buddhistacademy.com More Photos Click Here

Great Start to New Year 2017. Letchworth Mindfulness Meditation ten Week Course

Bedford Mindfulness Meditation Course Great Starts to New Year 2017

Buddhist meditation