Job Vacancies
If you are interested to be part of the community, this page is your one-stop destination to search for any vacancies at Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Centre. We advertise here a list of current vacancies. If you are interested please contact us by useing the link below.
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Vacancy Ref No: 0126091997
Job Position: Resident Buddhist Minister (a lay chaplain, clergy person or a Monk)
Job Description:
Posting Date: 15th January 2024
Salary: Not specified.
Additional salary information: The successful candidate would not be entitled to the national minimum wage as they would be a voluntary worker/a resident member of a religious community.
Hours: Full time (40 hours per week.)
Closing Date: 14th February 2024.
Location: Letchworth (Hertfordshire)
Job type: permanet
Click Here to Apply for this Job:
Key Responsibilities:
• Provide spiritual guidance for the Buddhist Centre (temple) in line with the teachings of Theravada School of Buddhism.
• Work with the head monk and trustees to ensure the temple follows the principles and practice of its Spiritual Theravada Buddhist Tradition.
• Provide teaching sessions for the temple users as appropriate, especially to provide support for the Sri Lankan & Indian elders
• Continue to develop their own spiritual practice and knowledge
• Maintain and develop the relationship between the Sri Lankan community and also Inter-faith communities.
• Abide by the key policies for the temple including Safeguarding and Health and Safety
• Experienced Theravada Buddhist Minister or Buddhist monk
• Fluent in spoken and written Sinhalese
• Can communicate effectively in English
• Excellent knowledge of Sri Lankan culture and Theravada Buddhist Tradition
The post is offered as a full-time position. The role is based at Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Centre. In accordance with Buddhist principles no salary will paid to the successful candidate [as monastics/monks serve unconditionally]. However, food and accommodation will be provided free of charge. All reasonable out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed.
The successful candidate would not be entitled to the national minimum wage as they would be a voluntary worker/a resident member of a religious community.
Closing date for applications: 14.02.24
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