Privacy Policy. Terms & Condition
Privacy Policy
Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya
Buddhist Academy
Mindfulness Centre for Education Meditation Psychotherapy & Counselling
This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Our Centre (LDN-BA-MC-EMPC) collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from. This privacy policy applies to all products and services offered by LDN-BA-MC-EMPC. There have been recent changes in the law to reflect the coming into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on the 25th May 2018.
The GDPR aims to give you more control of your data. It provides new and strengthened rights.
Our Centre respects the privacy of your information and is committed to collecting and handling such information responsibly and adhering to privacy laws. We take privacy obligations seriously and will make every endeavour to:
· Use all reasonable care to secure and protect any personal information collected.
· The information that we gather from you is used in administering the services that we provide.
· We will not use the information for other purposes or pass it on to any third party without your consent except as required by law.
· We will display your name on the vihara calendar for the dana bookings you have made.
· We may record online or other programmes to improve the services and provide the facilities for others to benefit. Most of our services are community based. Our audio video recordings may available for them later to repeat or follow up the sessions. Some of those programme recordings will be published on social media like youtube, facebook or websites to share the knowledge to improve the quality of wellbeing in our community. Some of those recorded programmes will not be available for public sharing and only accessible for administration or through a private link only.
· During our online sessions, we encourage people to keep the video on when they attend the online programmes, so that it gives us an opportunity to monitor if the services are being wisely, appropriately or safely used. If not we can dismiss the participant. Occasionally short extracts of recordings may be used to improve the services. However, anyone can either keep the video off (with prior approval regarding a reasonable course) or withdraw oneself from these occasions if one does not want to be recorded.
· We expect everyone to keep their microphones muted all through out and unmute only to ask a question or say something.