Remembering With Blessings Our Loved Ones as Blessed Lotus in Happy Land

Obituaries of Dhamma Nikethananaya Community

Greatly Ever Remembered! With Deepest Sympathies, we hereby wish to announce the passing away of our dearest friends Wishing The Lasting Happiness "Nibbana" by liberating from all suffering! This also creates an opportunity to offer blessings, share condolences, messages or greetings to those loved ones who are no longer with us. A candle is lit for you!



May All Attain Supreme Bliss of Nibbana..!

“Vaya Dhamma Sankara..”

“All conditioned and compounded things have the nature of decay and disintegration.”

"Anicca vata sankhara, uppadavaya-dhammino;  uppajjitva nirujjhanti, tesam vupasamo sukho."

“All that arises, O how unlasting, Increase and swift decay, such is life. All that has arisen, all that must pass away. No more to rise or fall, that peace (Nibbana) is best.” By Lord Buddha - Mahaparinibbana-sutta, Digha-nikaya

May You Attain Supreme Bliss of Nibbana..!


Deepest Sympathies from Venerable Akurala Samitha and all devotees at

Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Cultural Centre.

69, Pix Road, Letchworth Garden City Hertfordshire SG6 1PZ

Sad Announcements of Great Remembrances... with Deepest Sympathies...:

May You Attain Supreme Bliss of Nibbana..!

To let us know that you wish to light a candle: CLICK HERE


Most Venerable Bhikkhu Assaji Maha Thero ‌(1950-2022)  

suddenly but very peacefully passed away on Vap Full Moon Poya Sunday 09th October 2022 at London Croydon Hospital.


With Our Deepest Sympathies, we share the news.

Further religious and funeral activities will be arranged later. If you wish to get more information please contact the following mobile numbers.


Most Venerable Bhikkhu Assaji Maha Thero ‌(1950-2022) is a very humble, wise, kind, very skilful and highly respected Buddhist Monk who spent over 30 years in UK. He as a senior and educated monk (Bhikkhu) extended a great service to monks, temples and the communities in UK, Sri Lanka and many parts of the world. He spent his whole life very generously in service especially to children, adults and monastics without much attention even to his own health. He is a great, resourceful and active Dhammaduta Bhikkhu (Missionary Monk). It is a great loss to Sambuddha Sasana (Buddhist World) and all of us. We all are indeed indebted to his life and service.


Assako loko sabbam pahaya gamaniyam.

No ownership in this word. All have to pass on, leaving everything behind.

May he attain Supreme Bliss of Nibbana! 





Mr Frederick Charles Day

Date of Birth: 26-07-1935   -   Date of Death: 15-10-2021



Deepest Sympathies…

From Venerable Bhante Samitha Akurala and all venerable monks and devotees at Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Meditation Centre.

 Mr Frederick (fondly known as Fredie) was born on 26th July 1935 in Letchworth Garden City. He worked as Food specialist in abroad especially in Asia for over 50 years. He returned back Letchworth Garden City in 2010 to settle in the village where his parents were and he was brought up. Ever since he become a very dedicated member who regular attend our services. He had a great faith in what we do in Buddhist Teachings, Mental Health, Counselling, Meditation and Cultural activities.

He became a good friend of Venerable Bhante Samitha, Miss Padma Wijeratne and all the members of the centre. He always liked what we did in the local community and deeply appreciate about them. He also benefited from our meditation, chanting and other welfare services. He maintained a good relationship with few charities in Nepal, India and Malaysia.

He passed away on 15th October 2021 at Lister Hospital. Venerable Akurala Samitha and Miss Padma Wijerathna attended everyday to see him in hospital. He enjoyed blessings and seeing us. By vising hospital and also home we took our best care of his welfare until the last day.   He is greatly missed and wishes Mr Frederick Charles Day (our Fredie) A Supreme Bliss of Nibbana!



Mrs Rathnawalie Dep

30th December 1935 – 16th July 2021 

Deepest Sympathies…

From Venerable Akurala Samitha and all Venerable Monks and Devotees at

Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Meditation Centre.

Mrs Rathnawalie Dep was born on 30th December 1935 in Colombo 10 in Sri Lanka and migrated to United Kingdom in 1995 and since lived in Letchworth with her Husban Mr Andrew Dep who worked for Royal Air Force and two children Daughter Mrs Khushlani & Son Mr Khushil. She passed away on Friday 16th July 2021 at the age of 85 years.

She served as a teacher in Sri Lanka and worked at Gothami Girls’ School in Colombo 10 Sri Lanka.

She was a dedicated found member and a strong supporter from the inception of Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Meditation Centre and served as the Honourable Secretary to make it thrives from registration as UK Registered Charity to the current situation.

She worked very hard with temple activities and we all in our community deeply appreciate all of her contribution. She is greatly missed and wish Mrs Rathnawalie Dep A Supreme Bliss of Nibbana.!

Together we will remember the Beloved Mother and wish her Supreme Bliss of Nibbana..!



Mrs P A Asida

14th April 1930 – 27th October 2016  

     We all at The Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Centre UK were so sad to hear the news of passing away of Loving Mother of Mr Sujeewa Lokuwaduge. Our hearts and minds with full of wholesome thoughts are with them and everyone in their family at this difficult time. 

Mr Sujeewa Lokuwaduge is a long standing and dedicated member of our temple, Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya. Beloved mother was in our thoughts at her final days and hours and she experienced a peaceful and blissful departure in blessings of venerable monks and all the family.

All at Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Meditation and Cultural Centre are deeply sadden and share the deepest sympathies with Mr Sujeewa Lokuwaduge and family.

Mr Sujeewa Lokuwaduge, Mrs Sujeewa and their loving children Harindi and Hasindu and all are very affectionate members of our community. Our thoughts are with you all.

Together we will remember the Beloved Mother and wish her Supreme Bliss of Nibbana..!




Mr Patric De Silva

(09th September 2016)

  May He Attain Supreme Bliss of Nibbana..!

It is with great sadness we share deepest sympathies with Mr Ajith De Silva & family on his beloved father’s passing away.

They are very affectionate and committed members of our community work. They made our dhamma work possible in Milton Keynes. They have given lots of support to make things happen. We all are very grateful to it. What they supported to begin now progressing very well.

May I take this opportunity to think of all the blessings of those numerous help and may those blessings be with their beloved parents. I know such human qualities derives very much from excellent parents nurturing and naturing. That is why they also work hard in the community to give it into the young children too.

All our members at Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya and Milton Keynes wish to share their thoughts with Mr Ajith De Silva and Mrs Samanthi and Children Kalana and Thenu.

May their beloved father Mr Patric De Silva Attain Supreme Bliss of Nibbana!





Mrs Dedimuni Dasawathie Mendis

Date of Birth: 20-02-1936         Date of Death: 02-03-2016

May She Attain Supreme Bliss of Nibbana!


It is with great sadness, we share the condolences of passing away of a great mother, Mrs Dedimuni Dasawathie Mendis in Sri Lanka. She had four children and youngest is the Venerable Akurala Samitha (Bhante Samitha).